Ingredients & Process

Soap-making is not an art or a craft, it's a science.

I handcraft eco-luscious essentials for the bath, body, and home, inspired by my belief that self-care is healthcare and backed by my education and experience as a Registered Nurse, certified in Wound & Skin Care.

My products are thoughtfully made completely from scratch using formulas that I have created and perfected since starting out in my tiny kitchen back in 2010. You will not find questionable or unrecognizable ingredients in anything I offer. I don't dilute or disguise my products with cheap filler oils, animal fats, petroleum, artificial colorants, or skin stripping chemicals. You'll never find sulfates, phthalates, or parabens in any of my products. I source raw materials fair-trade globally, organic when called for.

I make soap by the time-honored Cold Process method of soap making. This method allows the natural glycerin to be retained in the soap; glycerin acts as a humectant, drawing moisture to the skin. I use *plant-based oils, unrefined butters and botanicals chosen for their nourishing properties and luxurious feel to gently cleanse without stripping moisture from the skin. I hand-pour, hand-cut, and hand-bevel every bar of soap before boxing it in a recyled paper box which protects the soap from germs, dust, and dings.

What makes C9SC's soap superior and different than other handcrafted soaps?

  • Soaps weigh a generous 5 oz., that's 25% larger than the industry standard 4 oz. bar. 
  • I use only premium, essential working ingredients and I take everything else out. I believe the ingredients should take center stage, do their job, treat you and the enviroment gently, and avoid being geared just label appeal.
  • Balance, it's key. A great bar of soap needs the correct ratio of cleansing oils to conditioning oils, and the correct proportion of lye to liquid.
  • I hand-bevel the edges of every bar, which is labor intensive but makes all the difference in how comfortable the bar feels and slips in your hands.

    * A note about our Palm Oil: Our palm oil comes strictly from members of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). RSPO certification requires producers to follow strict standards to cultivate sustainable palm oil. RSPO criteria states, "no primary forests or areas which contain significant concentrations of biodiversity (e.g. endangered species) or fragile ecosystems, or areas which are fundamental to meeting basic or traditional cultural needs of local communities (high conservation value areas), can be cleared.” Additionally there are standards that require fair treatment of workers according to local and international labor rights standards.

What makes C9SC's premium candles premium different than other candles?

  • I use soy wax, sourced from U.S.A. farms. (Did you know that paraffin wax is actually petroleum?)
  • Cotton-core wicks rather than zinc
  • Essential oil infused phthalate-free fragrance oils
  • Amazing scent throw
  • No added colorants
  • Vessel can be reused as a beverage glass
  • A mimimalist label that compliments any decor

I adore the art of scent blending to capture the magic of aroma. It's a scientific fact that scent is our most powerful memory trigger that connects us to the present moment and influences mood, feelings, and emotions. The simple pleasure of a beautiful scent doesn't require planning or take up any of our time to enjoy, it's a quick hit of guilt-free indulgence.

I take pride in doing my part to protect our planet by not packaging in plastic, all of my products are packaged in earth-friendly glass, paper, and cloth.

I don't have fancy packaging, trade shows to attend, distributors, marketing staff, employees, or any agenda other than delivering the very finest products directly to you at a reasonable price. And I do not artificially inflate my prices so that I can offer "sales" or "free shipping". Because of my simple business model, I can and do spend my dollar on premium ingredients.

"Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." - Antoine de Saint Exupery


My products naturally cleanse, condition and hydrate the skin and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical condition.