We're headed out next week on our annual National Park hiking trip and this year it's Olympic National Park and Mt. Rainier. So today I've started packing and it includes a first aid kit that I keep in my day pack.
Our hikes are vigorous; we head out at sun up and stay out until sun down. So my First Aid Kit includes this rehydration mix. I make up several packets of this sugar, salt and baking soda mix and keep it my pack just in case we run into super hot weather and we sweat a lot. This quick fix mix added to a bottle of water can turn around symptoms of electrolyte loss (headache, weakness, nausea) from heavy sweating while out on the trail.
To 1 quart of water add:
2 Tbsp. sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. baking soda
Happy trails!
XO, Lisa